Friday, 7 October 2011
Does Columbus Really the First Finder American??
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Does Columbus Really the First Finder American??
Travel the Vikings (Scandinavian pirates who dared rob the coastal cities and river ports of Europe between the years 700 and 900) to North America is now a historical fact which no doubt. The people of the ancient Scandinavian adventure through Iceland and Greenland under the leadership of Leif Ericson, and reached the coast of North America in the year 1000. The story of the perilous journey across the ocean to the land of this, told in the sagas of ancient Scandinavia. Written in Iceland between the years 1320 and 1350. People are paying less attention to this heroic tale, until the time those stories were reviewed in 1837. It turned out that the depiction of climate, geography and life in accordance with the original Vinland is located on the coast of New England in the American East. Recent discovery, found eight houses from the foundation made of stone, four house boat, a steel garage, pits and equipment for cooking at L'Anse aux Meadows. According to the method of age determination of carbon, it all comes from the Viking era. A strong reason to believe the story of Leif Ericson as most likely he set up camp on arrival in North America. This discovery, according to Dr. Helge Ingstad from Norway who helped in the effort, said: "This fact has provided the first Archaeological evidence that can not be denied that the Europeans had come to America centuries before Columbus's journey in 1492." But there is still disagreement whether the the Vikings had been entered into the mainland or limit itself only to perjelajahan beach area only.
In 1898 a farmer who opened the forest in Kensington, Minnesota found a surprising yagn. When he dug the roots of a tree, he found a square stone slabs that are two and a half feet tall and six inches thick. An article consisting of two hundred and twenty letters carved on the surface and on one side. Suspected of writing it is concerned with an entourage consisting of thirty people of Norway and Goths who are traveling to find something on the ground west of Vinland in 1862. In the writings that told of the carnage. In the event that ten members of the troupe were killed. Many experts have rejected him as a deceptive goods made in the nineteenth century. Others say the original stuff, and if the goods were counterfeit, forgers must have exceptional knowledge in the fields of history, geology, and ancient Scandinavian dialect.
Viking Ship
Some scholars expressed the opinion, that the tower in Rwode Island Newport is a building that was set up the Vikings. The tower's shape is round and twenty-four feet tall, he is a former church. Other people disagree and say that the building was the work of those Europeans who settled in America in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
"Vinland Map" is a world map that he said was made by a Swiss monk in 1440, but this statement has been the subject of heated debate for years. Map obtained by Yale University in 1965, clearly illustrates the location of Vinland in North America. The experts on both sides of the Atlantic have determined the age of the map with the carbon system and claiming it as the genuine article. But lately a number of analysts who study the ink from the American elements of the map that states their belief that the maps it is false objects made in the twentieth century.
Thousands of man-made items from different periods and cultures have been found in the place, including a number of inscribed stones. His language is the language of Ogham, the ancient language of the Irish and Pict (people who in ancient times lived in the northern United Kingdom). Dr. Barry Fell and Harvard University have studied the stones for years and determine the stones are from circa 800 BC until the third century AD.
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