Monday, 6 June 2011

Info Abuot Craiglist all over the world

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looks like somebody has been trying to erase the evidence (I pretty much know who it was and you should also...) -- a lot of my links from this blog appear to be dead (most of the time you can still see the path, which shows that there was a comment posted there etc.); I think I should be able to find a fix for most of them, I just don't know when I'll get around to it! .........
Some of your policies such as effective screening appear pretty good! However, I disagree with some of them (certainly with the idea that we need to do away with anonymity or that policing the users -- reporting all crime to the police -- is realistic or a really good idea). That doesn't mean that I agree with what craigslist is doing or rather not doing...

Removing the adult/erotic sections was good! And it did cost them quite a bit of money...(in lost revenue) but it certainly does not appear that it was done for the right reasons if they want to stop there. I certainly agree that craigslist should spend a lot more of its vast resources on combating crime, especially horrible crime. And I've said this on this blog, over and over..........

 1) craigslist (and similar companies) is like the phone company <--> the internet provider craigslist uses is like the phone company, but craigslist itself is like a company that would solicit ads to be recorded through the phone and then allow the public to call in and access those ads; as far as I understand it, such a company would be legally liable if it promoted crime

2).ads are moving to other sites so we are no better off by shutting down craigslist erotic/adult section <--> what made craigslist such a big problem in the US (and still does internationally) was its efficiency, moving those ads to less efficient places would normally result in less harm; however, if ONE company would manage to recapture virtually all the "formally-craigslist erotic/adult ads", that would be a real concern and should be shut down ASAP

3). child trafficking is just moving from the streets to the internet <--> I really don't think that's the ONLY thing that's going on here, I believe it is to be expected that MORE (perhaps MUCH more) child trafficking actually results when such an efficient market as craigslist exists; I
would also expect copycat child trafficking to result when potential criminals realize that although a small percentage of traffickers are apprehended, the vast majority of them are NOT!

4). we are better off having them post on the web so that the police can just check the ads and find the criminals <--> given the very limited police resources available and the fact that it is considerably MORE expensive --time-wise and resource-wise-- to bring criminals to justice this way (see explanation in policeman's lawsuit against craigslist) this would only make sense if local police would be allowed to set the number of ads that appear on the site to a number they can manage; opening up the floodgates and expecting the police to do anything beyond catch a few cases
is well-meaning but ignorant at best.........

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