In setting up my Hotmail account on my EVO 3D I'm having a problem Evo 3d HTC Setting Online Troubleshooting similar to the one described in the "Problem setting up Yahoo! mail account" thread.
When i added my Hotmail account, i was able to successfully send outgoing e-mail but I'm not receiving any incoming email.  I had no problem using my Hotmail account on my old Palm Pre - in fact it's still working via WiFi connection. I compared all the setup fields and they're the same in both phones.  I added a gmail account and it works without any issues. Any ideas? to fix read more

Is there a problem with Yahoo? I been trying to get my account set up on the EVO3D for two days without success. Now to think of it a co-worker asked me a similar question about a week ago but it was working fine on my  Evo 3d HTC Setting Online Troubleshooting then. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. more