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Girl Scout Cookies Called Boycott duane lee chapman, girl scout cookies types, lte, niall
Girl Scout cookies are cookies sold by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as a major money earning activity for local Girl Scout Councils. Girl members of the Girl Scouts have been selling cookies since 1917 to raise funds. Girls who participate work towards incentives for their efforts. There are sometimes also unit incentives if the unit as a whole does well. Each council runs their own Girl Scout Cookie Program. As of 2007, sales were estimated at about 200 million boxes per year.
A California teen is calling for a boycott of Girl Scout cookies to protest the inclusion of a 7-year-old transgender child in Colorado last year.
The protester, who wears a Girl Scout sash and identifies herself as Taylor, recorded an eight-minute video to argue that allowing a transgender child into the organization goes against scout values. Taylor urges people to refuse to buy Girl Scout cookies until the organization agrees to ban transgender members.
"Why is GSUSA willing to break its own safety rules and go against its own research findings to accomodate transgender boys?" Taylor says.
"Unfortunately, I think it is because GSUSA cares more about promoting the desires of a small handful of people than it does my safety and the safety of my friends. And they are doing it with the money we earn for them by selling Girl Scout cookies.”
The video was posted to honestgirlscouts.com, a group that encourages the Girl Scouts to eliminate sexual education and insist on a return to the traditional values listed in Girl Scouts of USA Congressional Charter that includes the words "qualities of truth ... purity."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/
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