Tuesday 11 October 2011

Obama's Speaks Jobs Bill Fails controlled Senate Tuesday night

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 Obama's Speaks Jobs Bill Fails controlled Senate Tuesday night  
The bill received a simply majority of 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 to end debate. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Jon Tester of Montana were the only Democrats to vote against the bill. Both of them are facing tough re-election campaigns next year.

Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., had said earlier that although he intended to vote in favor of ending the Republican filibuster, he did not intend to support the bill if it reached a final vote.

Now that it has failed, both the House and Senate are expected to turn this week to approving U.S. trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea, one of the few areas of agreement between Republicans and the administration on boosting the economy. And Senate Democrats are looking at ways of breaking the jobs bill into pieces that would be easier to pass.

Obama declared earlier Tuesday that the U.S. Senate faced a “moment of truth” when it voted on the bill, calling it "gut check time." He later issued a statement accusing Republicans of obstruction.

"Tonight's vote is by no means the end of this fight," Obama said. "We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible."

The White House Office of Management and Budget had said before Tuesday's vote that bill would help put Americans back to work without adding a dime to the deficit. And the White House sent a letter from 16 Democratic governors urging congressional leaders to pass the bill.

The White House also began highlighting on its website Tuesday the stories of people who will be affected if Congress doesn't pass the jobs bill, White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

But at the same time, acknowledging reality, Obama said he was prepared to break it into pieces and try to pass job-creation legislation that way.

The plan combines payroll tax cuts for workers and businesses with $175 billion in spending on roads, school repairs and other infrastructure, as well as unemployment assistance and help to local governments to avoid layoffs of teachers, firefighters and police.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/10/11/white-house-pushes-for-passage-job-bill-in-face-likely-senate-defeat/#ixzz1aWt86mbv

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