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Why The only junior high school on the Border of RI-Philippines been seals ??
Sangihe-ironic, a junior high school the only one in Sangihe, North Sulawesi or located on the border of Indonesia and the Philippines, had sealed the residents.
This fact is contrary to the state budget funds allocated by 20 percent to education.
Johan Rumune, landowners, said sealing is done because the school is standing without the permission of the landowner. He admitted that he had sealed the building Kalama Junior High School because until today the promise from the local village chief to pay compensation is not met.
As a result of this sealing, at least 30 students of SMP Negeri Kalama disrupted the learning process, let alone join the library building sealed the landowner.
However, landowners still allow students and teachers do the teaching and learning activities. The owner of the land in the local village chief urges Malanusa Tagulending to immediately resolve the land compensation payment. If it does not threaten to continue to seal Johan school buildings.
Meanwhile, the Village Head Island Kalama when confirmed exactly shy away from reporters. While residents hope, sealing an end of this school, let alone the sealing has been disturbing the teaching and learning activities of students.
Kalama High School District includes one portrait of schools in Indonesia's outer island areas directly adjacent to the Philippines. read more
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