Saturday 7 May 2011

Car Brake Troubelsoothing

if you have a car, it is likely your primary mode of transportation; however, your vehicle can become a danger to yourself and others if you start experiencing problems with your brakes. Problems with this crucial part of your car can start small and, if left unnoticed, can become a major issue. To avoid catastrophe, be aware of any problems as soon as they start.

Slow Response

  • If you notice that your car doesn't start slowing as soon as you step on the brakes, or that the pedal seems mushy or spongy, there is likely a problem. There may be an air leak in the brake hose, or you may be leaking brake fluid. Look for a puddle on the ground when the car is parked, as this is a sign that there is a brake fluid leak. This fluid resembles motor oil.


  • If your car makes a squeaking or grinding noise when you step on the brakes, you have a serious problem. These noises are a surefire sign that the brake pads have been completely worn down and are no longer working. When the pads are completely worn down, the disc and the caliper will rub together, resulting in the noise that you are hearing. Worn brake pads often results in damage to the rotors, as they get scratched by the rubbing of the caliper and disc. In addition to needing new pads, the rotors will either need to be turned, or resurfaced, or you will need new ones.

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